David Murphy

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in August 2019


Mile: 6:11, 5k: 21:12, 8k: 34:33, 10k: 45:53, 10M: 1:14:31, Half Marathon: 1:38:17, Marathon: 3:28:35

Social Handles:

IG, Strava, & Twitter: whatsnextdave

Long-Term Running Goals:

Keep running without injury (while still hitting PRs through my 40s). Maybe age into a BQ.

Most Memorable Race:

While true in many aspects of life, the saying "the journey is the destination" is central to my running experience. While love a good race, I also enjoy getting to see and explore places so differently while running. Between work travel and vacations, I have been lucky to lace 'em up in some amazing places.

To that end, I think my favorite runs are the Big Sur Marathon up the Central California coast and running between lighthouses, wild horses, and wheat fields along the White Cliffs of Dover. Both because of the views and the in-the-moment experiences.

Fun Facts:

  • I am a dad of 3 (girls 8 and 6, and boy 2).

  • I was a boxer in college.

  • As a new suburbanite (just moved from Chicago), I am working my gardening and lawn game.

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

Love running with friends when the parenting schedule allows!

Summer or Winter?:

Fall (and how is that not the only option?)

Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.