Eric Cale

Eric Cale - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in June 2018


Half Marathon: 1:17:01, Marathon: 2:41:51

Social Handles:

IG: itscales

Most Memorable Race:

Boston Marathon 2014. I had proudly run Boston the past several consecutive years already, but 2014 was special for obvious reasons. In the end, it was not my best race. But, I appreciate it because race day was a contrast between being a day of great healing and unification, and yet so many racers were super locked in and intense. And to top it all off, Meb won the race on the long break. Gives me chills every time I watch it.

Running Start:

I got a late start in endurance sport. It was after college and in triathlon. I had done a couple of IMs and decided I needed to drastically improve my marathon in order to progress in the sport. As it turns out, I never went back!

Fun Facts:

  • Go Lions

  • Go Hoosiers

  • Go Maples

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:


Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.