Varun Praveen

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in December 2018


Mile: 5:30, 5k: 18:50, 8k: 31:05, 10k: 39:41, 10M: 1:06:04, Half Marathon: 1:27:11, Marathon: 3:15:01

Most Memorable Race:

2019 Indianapolis half marathon: I hurt my left glute in August, and I took a month's break from running, and I was in China for three weeks. When I returned to Chicago, I had one month left to regain my fitness. I remember Dan telling me this on race day: you are here, and that's all that matters. I was surprised to beat my PR by 6 to 7 minutes with the only expectation of enjoying the race.

Running Start:

I started running after I moved to Gainesville, Florida in June 2015. I was new to the town and I was trying to find an outlet to kill time and burn calories and I found running solo to be very relaxing. The runners in Gainesville and Florida Track Club gave me additional joy and friends as I explored running within the area.

Fun Facts:

  • I am a Cat Dad

  • I crack many jokes with a 30% success rate, but you have to know me well to even appreciate or get it

  • I love spicing up rum with Indian spices (and it tastes really good when consumed as a cocktail)

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

Solo on the weekdays and with friends on the weekends :)

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.