
Katherine Wuestenfeld

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in July 2023


Mile: 5:33, 5k: 19:32, 8k: 32:20, 10M: 1:09:36, Half Marathon: 1:27:48, Marathon: 3:07:40

Social Handles:

IG: @katherun26.2

Long-Term Running Goals:

My number one goal with my training is to enjoy the process and I really want to focus on keeping running fun as I try to push the limits of what I'm capable of. My big, scary goal is to one day run a sub-3 hour marathon.

Most Memorable Race:

My first Boston Marathon (2019) was my most memorable race because it took me 6 years to qualify for the race and meant so much to me just to be able to line up for it. It was one of those amazing days where everything just comes together and although everyone told me it's really difficult to PR at Boston, I ran with so much joy after a great buildup and ended up setting a big PR that day which was just icing on the cake!

Fun Facts:

  • I'm a really big running nerd and love following the pro side of our sport

  • I'm a full-time running coach & personal trainer

  • Home with my husband and our rescue dog, Lola, is my favorite place to be.

Track or Trails?:

I really love running on all surfaces and appreciate how accessible our sport is no matter where we are!

Morning or Afternoon?:

Late morning? Lol

Solo or With Friends?:


Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.