Sarah David

Sarah David - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in January 2019


Mile: 5:05, 5K: 16:51, 8k: 27:59, 10k: 35:10, Half Marathon: 1:16:45, Marathon: 2:44:01; Olympic Trials Qualifier

Social Handles:

IG: sarahmiriam

Most Memorable Race:

Shamrock Shuffle: I'd never raced an 8k before and it was my first "real" race with DW so I was feeling pretty nervous at the start line. Luckily adrenaline kicked in and the race went as well as I could have hoped for.

Running Start:

I was an athlete in college and started running after I graduated because I missed the structure that came from being on a team.

Fun Facts:

  • Most foods are just peanut butter delivery systems (this is an opinion but I'm counting it as a fact)

  • I have a pit mix named Josie who runs with me sometimes

  • The city I grew up in has the best pizza in the country

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.