Karl Roskamp

Karl Roskamp - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in July 2020


5k: 16:00, 8k: 26:22, 10k: 34:04, 10M: 56:15, Half Marathon: 1:12:39, Marathon: 2:34:45, Beer Mile: 5:50

Social Handles:

YouTube: Run 30

Most Memorable Run:

I snuck into the Grand Canyon National Park for an 18 mile run.

Running Start:

I started running as a freshman in high school after I realized I wasn't going to make it in any other sport

Fun Facts:

  • I've tried more than 2,900 different beers

  • I once saw Donald Glover cut in line for pizza

  • I have four siblings and they all play lacrosse

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

With Friends

Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.