Joann Hutto

Joann Hutto - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in November 2019


Mile: 6:06, 5k: 22:21, 8k: 38:31, 10k: 43:47, 10M: 1:23:41, Half Marathon: 1:37:48, Marathon: 3:37:22

Social Handles:

IG: jyocom1, Facebook & Strava: Joann Hutto

Long-Term Running Goals:

I want to see how fast I can get as a masters female in all distances. Sub 3:30 marathon would be nice. Stay injury free and show up are kind of my mantras these days.

Running Start:

I loved just sprinting around as a kid, challenging other kids to races. I remember coming in third place to two boys in my second grade class and wanting to beat them so bad. Raced track in high school, the 200 was my event (28.3 PR), hated long distance. Exercise and Sport Science major in college. Always did some casual running but In 2012 finally got the bug for long distance training and racing.

Fun Facts:

  • I love gardening (especially roses).

  • I'm a pathologist and love it.

  • I love running (surprise!).

Track or Trails?:

I kind of love both coming from the track in high school, the track is always exciting, but there is a certain thrill of being alone on the trails that can't be beat.

Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:


Summer or Winter?:


Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.