Jessica Sokolowski

Jessica Sokolowski - DWRunning

DWRunning Tenure:

Joined in November 2018


5k: 19:33, 8k: 32:21, 10k: 41:51, 10M: 1:10:42, Half Marathon: 1:28:06, Marathon: 3:10:10  

Most Memorable Race:

My first Boston Marathon my parents went and my dad had cancer and I hugged him at Boston college and he gave me a rose. Thank God he is alive!

Running Role Model:

Yuki - he is an everyday runner like us and crushes it! Meg Sullivan, the first person who told me I could do it and Brian Murphy for the constant support.

Fun Facts:

  • I am an artist

  • I love comedy and used to do improv.

  • I coach Special Olympics

Track or Trails?:


Morning or Afternoon?:


Solo or With Friends?:

It depends on the day.

Summer or Winter?:

Both have their charms

Bolded PRs are PRs run while training with DWRunning.